How to Get More Storage

Get More Storage – This can be a huge advantage as the objects you obtain in Farmville build up rapidly. Of course you can buy storage space, but it can be expensive. And what you get isn’t brilliant; you get small barns that hold less than ten things, having to spend lots of cash to get them upgraded.

To save yourself the money, get your friends involved and do some barn rising. This will expand storage facilities at no cost at all; simply click on your barn and go to "expand storage". Straight away this sends a message to your neighbors to come and help you. In order to get some effective space you will need 10 helpers, but each of
your helpers will get coins for doing so, so they have some incentive. However if you cannot get 10 people to help you, you will be given a discount for every one you did get to sign up at Farm Cash Costs.

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