Getting Some Harvesting Time and Experience

Just like in real life, different crops take different times to grow, and you need to remember this for when you are planning to harvest them. In Farmville your strawberries will be all ready to go after just 4 hours, but they need to be harvested before 8 hours however as after this time they will become worthless. So when planting your crops you need to consider when you will be able to get back to them. This enables you to make the most of your land and you will make the most profit. Also, you will make more money from specific crops that have a longer growing time.

You can also get experience points from growing your crops. For example, if you plant crops that will grow in one day, you will be provided with 2 experience points. The benefit from obtaining experience points is that you are able to progress through Farmville’s levels much quicker. It is worth mentioning the fact that as strawberries
grow quicker, they will get you 1 point per batch, but if you can regularly visits your farm I would concentrate on planting these as they will earn you more point’s long term.

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