Farmville Ribbons

Here is some information on a selection of ribbons that you can obtain in Farmville. There are many, but these are just some that I have picked out:

Good Samaritan – This ribbon is gained when you do work on your neighbors farms for them, this can be anything, even scaring unwanted pests away! In order to obtain this ribbon, the key is to have lots of neighbors, as you can only help one neighbor out once per day. The more times you help out, the higher level of the ribbon you get. So for the highest ribbon, the blue one, you will gain a total of 250 Experience Points, and 10,000 coins, but you have to help out 2,500 times!

A Pretty Penny – Pretty Penny ribbons are earned as you spend your cash, this obviously doesn't require much focus as you will be earning these by just playing the game. The top award for this one is 1000 experience points when you spend a whopping 1.5 million coins.

Local Celebrity – This ribbon comes when you get lots of neighbors, it is pretty easy to get, 4 neighbors will start off by winning you the yellow ribbon, and you will get 10 Experience Points and 1000 coins. You can go all the way up to the blue ribbon for which you need 50 neighbors to gain, this will net you 100 Experience Points and 5000 coins.

Knock on Wood – This particular one focuses on the fruit that you harvest from your trees, and as you harvest more you will get more ribbons, easy. You can get a pomegranate tree as top prize on this one, as well as 10,000 coins and 250 Experience Points.

Cream of the Crop – This is earned when you harvest crops, big time. This will be earned with normal game play also, but a tip to speed up the earning of these ribbons is to plant crops that harvest quickly over and over.

Pack Rat – These ribbons are earned when you simply decorate your farm. As long as you decorate every space possible, you will get these ribbons easily. For the blue ribbon here you will need a total of 250 decorations and you will be awarded with a pond and 250 Experience Points.

Tree Hugger – Harvest lots of different kinds of trees to be awarded with the Tree Hugger ribbons. Unlike the Knock on Wood ribbon, you can harvest from any tree that you wish.

Harvest Flowers – To get these you need to plant lots and lots of flowers. This is particularly difficult as the items you have to plant do not appear that much.

Farmville Cash Decorations and the Experience Points you can Gain with Trees

A Selection of Decorations and the Experience Points you Gain with Trees

Various Trees Available in Farmville

There are many advantages to having trees around, of course there is the money aspect but they look really nice on your farm too. As I mentioned with crops earlier in another post, it may be worth keeping each tree in its own section if you are going to buy a lot, so they one section will all harvest at the same time, then the second then the third etc. This isn't imperative however; you can place them anywhere you want on your
farm to make it look the best it can.

Animals Available in Farmville

Aside from the animals listed in the table above, there are several more available, but they can only be given as gifts, these are:
  • Pigs
  • Rabbits
  • Horses
  • Goat
  • Ducks

Top 10 Most Profitable Seeds per Hour

When considering seeds however, you will also need to think about how much each individual batch costs and how soon you will need to harvest them too. Once these factors have been looked at, you should have no problem choosing which seeds are best for you.

List of Crops

The following info is something that you may find useful when deciding what you want on your farm.

I recommend working out what sort of planting regime will be best for your personal schedule, in order to avoid letting any of your crops rot. Peas are in my opinion the best; however as per the table above, you must reach level 32 before you can obtain these. Another advantage of Farmville is that as you unlock a new level, you nearly always get access to new seeds too. It is worth mentioning though that the quality of seeds does not always get higher with the levels.

How to Get More Storage

Get More Storage – This can be a huge advantage as the objects you obtain in Farmville build up rapidly. Of course you can buy storage space, but it can be expensive. And what you get isn’t brilliant; you get small barns that hold less than ten things, having to spend lots of cash to get them upgraded.

To save yourself the money, get your friends involved and do some barn rising. This will expand storage facilities at no cost at all; simply click on your barn and go to "expand storage". Straight away this sends a message to your neighbors to come and help you. In order to get some effective space you will need 10 helpers, but each of
your helpers will get coins for doing so, so they have some incentive. However if you cannot get 10 people to help you, you will be given a discount for every one you did get to sign up at Farm Cash Costs.

Hay Bales

The Hay Bale Trick – This is a great trick that can be used to speed up your game play. Basically what you do here is remain in a single location so your avatar isn’t moving around. If you have developed your farm into a big plantation, running around between tasks will take forever. However, being locked in a single place means that the tasks can be done way quicker. Basically what you have to do is block your avatar in so that when you log in it will appear in the middle of some hay bales and be unable to move. It costs 400 coins for a partial blockade and for a full, sturdier one it will be 800 coins.

How to find and keep your neighbors

Number-wise, you can have as many neighbors as you want and you should have enough by looking through your own friend list so little effort is required. Just visit the My Neighbors tab at your farm to find out who is available to ask. If not many of your friends are Farmville players though, there is an option to invite them to play Farmville and become your neighbor. I bet your friends will not regret signing up. To make things more personal, you can send your friends each a private message via the Facebook private message function. In my experience sending a personal message encourages many more responses and your friends will be set up on Farmville as your neighbors in no time.

When you have a lot of neighbors, there is nothing stopping you from going having a nosy at their farms for some ideas for your own farm. It is also good to have a big selection of neighbors when your cash flow is a bit slower than normal, you can offer to help them out for some coins and experience points. You will also find that you will get a lot of gifts, adding extra bits to your farm for no cost at all. Send your neighbors gifts too and they are likely to return the favor. This is an excellent way to get ahead in the game, and it is something fun to do with your friends too!

Why Neighbors Are Important?

Having your own farm and getting everything all by yourself is fine, but it can only get so big. If you want a much bigger farm then you are going to have to enlist the help of your neighbors. The more neighbors you have, the less expansion will cost and the easier you will be able to do it, and you should have no shortage of friends considering that this game is played on Facebook.

Do you want to Share your Wealth?

This is a message that will come up every time you get a ribbon. This is not as the name suggests though, it is no cost to you, but it can help your friends out. You really can’t lose here; you spend nothing whilst helping out your friends who may do the same for you in return.

The notifications on this are posted on Facebook though, so keep a look out for any bonuses you can have that your friends post. They have a time limit though, so make sure you check regularly.

Farmville Ribbons and How to Get them

Also worth mentioning are ribbons. There is a range of ribbon categories, each with 4 levels, and each with a different color. More ribbons mean bigger payouts, and ribbons can be earned anywhere so you may not even realize that you are getting them.

It is however useful to know about ribbons and how you can earn them. A ribbon comes with a good amount of cash and experience points, and all you have to do is click on the ribbon icon (bottom right hand of your screen) and this will show you what ribbons are available and what you have to do to get them. The tasks that you have to do to get them are really easy too, like “harvest 6 crops that are all unique”. But they can help with your decision making with regards to what crops to buy etc. This can be a big help because as I have mentioned above, deciding what to buy can be tricky.

Paypal Farmville Cash

If you are looking for other ways to top up your coin and cash collections, then look no further than ‘add farm coins and cash’. This allows you to purchase extra amounts via a PayPal account or a personal credit card. There are various packages available here, and my advice would be to just go for the biggest one, at $40. This gives you the best value for money and will give you all that you require.

There isn’t much point getting your coins like this, after all you can obtain them easily enough in the game. As cash is more difficult to get hold of, this is probably the best method to get it.

More Money, More Money!

Getting your collection of coins built up will come easily once you get used to playing Farmville. However it is not so easy with the Farmville cash. The first problem is that you are not allowed to convert your coins into cash; secondly there are some items that you must use cash to buy.


Coins are earned every time you harvest one of your products, like crops and fruit. Obviously some will be used for when you next plow and plant, but you should always have a few coins left at the end of this. These can then be saved up or spent. Another way of obtaining coins is through little messages that you sometimes receive from Farmville, for example you may log in one day to be told that you have won the weekly raffle.

When you help out on one of your neighbor’s farms, you will also receive a few coins. This happens when you receive a message from them asking for your help.

You don’t have to be asked though; you can visit another farm on the off chance that your assistance will be required. Please note though that you can only help out a neighbor once a day.

So you can see that it pays to have a lot of neighbors! It is definitely a good way of keeping your coin stock topped up.

Farmville Cash

Cash however is quite a bit more difficult to get hold of. For each new level you come to, you will receive one Farmville dollar, not a very substantial amount in the grand scheme of things. Cash is not as important to your Farmville experience as coins, but some products can only be bought with it. Some items like this are quite cheap and you won’t need to have a big collection of cash to get them, but this will affect you later on in
the game when you cannot buy what you really want, I therefore advise you to save it up.

Do I save all my Money or spend it?

There are not set rules as far as spending your money and using your land goes with Farmville. Each and every item benefits you in some way, with the experience points that you get. So whether your choice is based on what will benefit the farm most, or simply what you like the most, it doesn’t matter; it is entirely up to you. The only slightly tricky part is deciding what to buy, it is wise to budget and figure out how much of your money you would need to put away to buy a particular item, spending all you money after each harvest will not get you anywhere fast.

Working on Your Farm

So hopefully now you have got to grips with managing the planting and harvesting of your crops, it is now time to look at what other experiences come with Farmville. When your level gets higher, so does your choice of interesting and sometimes profitable items for your farm. All this allows you to make your Farmville experience personal to you, by adding whatever you want like animals and vehicles and making it look nice with trees and buildings. You really can customize it however you like.

Living Things

You can buy some animals, different ones as you progress. Firstly you can buy a chicken, then a cow and then a sheep, as you progress through the levels. You can also get animals as a gift from your friends if you are lucky, some can only be received as gifts. A disadvantage of animals is that they are very expensive and you can’t make much money from their products. You only get 6 coins when you milk your cow, but it will cost you 400 to buy.

Animals take a bit longer to make a profit from than crops, but they are a lot of fun. They really like any attention that you give them and are nice to have, if you need to, you can sell them as well. Selling them is particularly profitable if they were given to you as a gift. And just like real farm animals, the animals at Farmville do have a tendency to wander off, if this happens, you will not be able to get them back. This
issue is easily resolved however by keeping them in their pens.

The idea is very much the same with trees, they also cost quite a bit and you cannot sell their fruit for very much money. But these are nice things to have on your farm and they sort of ‘recycle’ themselves by growing again each time they are harvested. You can buy a whole variety of trees and they can also be given as gifts. There is also no rate of rot with their fruit do you can take your time harvesting them. It can be left on the trees for a rainy day if need be. Trees can also be sold, not for much money but the option is there. You can also move them around your farm to different locations.

Decorative Objects

You can buy so many items to decorate your farm, making it unique to yourself. Each objects of course costs money, of varying amounts for each, and purchasing them will gain you experience points too. There is no profit to be made with decorations, but you will get some coins for them if they need ever arose to sell them. The aim of buying these items however isn't for the good of the farm; it is just to add some fun touches to it to make your Farmville experience even more enjoyable.

Farm Buildings and Transport

Eventually you can begin to build. The structures you can use are varied, and can get pretty expensive, but they are worth it and give you lots of experience points. They range from small simple objects such as wells to big mansions. They look great on your farm though, I recommend that you plan ahead when deciding which one to buy. Try sticking to ones that give the most experience points to get the best value for money. You are able to sell your buildings on like with everything else that I have mentioned, but again you will not make a profit.

You can also buy various vehicles for your farm; these are only available once you hit level 12 though. The choice is based on various farm vehicles like tractors and harvesters all will have a positive impact on your farm, but these too are expensive. This is because you need to buy fuel for them, and fuel can only be purchased with Farmville cash.

It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to invest in some farm vehicles. You can certainly get the benefits of speedier harvesting and seeding, but you'll also be paying out a lot for the convenience. It's best to wait to buy these until you have a big enough farm and income to support them. You can also sell these if you decide you don't want to keep paying for their fuel, but you won't get nearly as much as you paid for them either. You don’t have to buy a farm vehicle however, the choice is yours. There is the bonus of work getting done quicker, but the downside is the coast to do this. My advice is to wait until you have a big farm with a substantial income. Vehicles can also be sold for less than what you paid for too.

Keep Track of Your Crops

Another important point to make now is the importance of keeping a track of all your crops that you have planted and when they will be fully grown. Keeping track isn't difficult, but here are a few pointers to get you on the right track:

Plant your crops in solid blocks, so there are different sections that appear for each type. This will enable you to track their progress much more easily as each type of crop will be grouped together.

It's also a good idea not to plant the same type of crop at two different times. That's because it's very easy to forget about one of them and not go back to harvest until the later one is ready. By then you may have already lost your first crop. Planting all pumpkins at one time, and then all squash the next will make it much easier for you to remember what needs to be harvested when.

Also, try to plant one particular type of crop all at the same time, this means that they will all roughly be ready for harvest at once and you will avoid having the same types of crops growing all at different intervals.

One further thing I will mention about your crops is how quickly they will rot. You have the same amount of time to harvest your crop as it takes to grow it, so you will have to get back to your strawberries between 4 and 8 hours of planting them. If you know that there is no way you will get back to your farm for the next few days, then I suggest you plant some artichokes. As they have a 4 day grow time, you will have a total of 8 days to get back and harvest them.

Get Your Farm Together

I recommend building up some cash to start with, this is most important. Get a relatively small area plowed first, less than ten plots, and then I suggest that you just fill this area with strawberry crops (as long as you can check back in the next 4 hours). Now strawberries are not going to make you the biggest amount of money possible, however you will be in profit come harvest time. Then you can give other types of crops a go, I suggest trying soybeans. These are going to give you the best profit until you progress and unlock more crops.

Bear the above simple instructions in mind as you move through the game too. I must stress again at this point how important it is to factor in how often you can visit your farm into your decision making, as letting them wilt will ruin all your hard work.

Making the Most Profit Possible

It is really important to take a moment to think about what profit you will get from your crops too. I recommend choosing soybeans at the beginning for the biggest cost benefits, as they will make you 63 coins for each plot of land you sell, whilst costing only 15 coins to buy initially. The downside here is that soybeans take longer to grow than strawberries do; working out what is best for your farm is quite difficult isn’t it?

To get even more into detail on the cost benefits, it is possible to work out what each crop’s hourly earning potential is, just work out how much particular crops sell for and how many hours they take to grow. Therefore when deciding what to plant, you need to take into account how much involvement you want and how quickly you want to make money.

Getting Some Harvesting Time and Experience

Just like in real life, different crops take different times to grow, and you need to remember this for when you are planning to harvest them. In Farmville your strawberries will be all ready to go after just 4 hours, but they need to be harvested before 8 hours however as after this time they will become worthless. So when planting your crops you need to consider when you will be able to get back to them. This enables you to make the most of your land and you will make the most profit. Also, you will make more money from specific crops that have a longer growing time.

You can also get experience points from growing your crops. For example, if you plant crops that will grow in one day, you will be provided with 2 experience points. The benefit from obtaining experience points is that you are able to progress through Farmville’s levels much quicker. It is worth mentioning the fact that as strawberries
grow quicker, they will get you 1 point per batch, but if you can regularly visits your farm I would concentrate on planting these as they will earn you more point’s long term.

How Big Should My Farm Get And How Do I Know What To Plant There?

You will obviously make a lot more money if you have a lot more land, so size is important, but you must not get carried away. It costs money to plow and plant on your land, so you need to budget and think ahead. Basically you need to be taking full advantage of the land that you currently have.

The best idea to begin with is to have the ability to clear around ten pieces of land, make use of the crops on the two pieces of land that are fully grown, once these are harvested and sold, the money you get will enable you to clear up and plant on the land again. In other words, do it bit by bit, one patch at a time. You can spend your money on clearing up lots more land, but you need to bear in mind the money needed to re-plant on it.

Taking it slowly with increasing the size of your land is very important; it is tempting to get stuck in right away but definitely at the beginning quality is much more important than quantity.

The only crop options available to you at first will be strawberries, eggplant, wheat, and soybeans. Each of these crops has several different characteristics, and so different benefits. Which crop you decide to plant will have a lot to do with how often you're going to be checking on your farm, as well as how quickly you want to advance in the game.

When you first get started, you have a limited choice of crops which are wheat, eggplant, soybeans and strawberries and they all will affect your success at Farmville. The crops you choose will have to be chosen once you have considered your strategy – how quickly to you want to move ahead, and how often will you be maintaining your farm?

Use Hay Bales For Fast Experience

After you’ve played for a couple weeks and have managed to build up a nice amount of coins, there’s an easy strategy you can use to quickly boost your experience. The strategy is to simply buy Hay Bales, sell the Hay Bales, and repeat. Although the best choice is always to choose experience-effective crops, if you’ve maxed out your field then the next best thing is the Hay Bale method.

Expanding Your Farm

Once you have enough neighbours, you can consider expanding your farm. Initially you start with a 12×12 farm, which is relatively small. With neighbors and coins, you can upgrade to a 14×14, 20×20, and beyond. Having a bigger farm is key to becoming a Farmville master and raking in the (virtual) dough.

You must be careful when deciding to expand. Many farmers have expanded too early and found they had no money to do anything with that extra land. So make sure to consider how much money it will cost to not only buy the expansion, but also to fill it up with new crops, animals, buildings, or whatever else you have in mind with the land.

If the expansion costs 10,000 coins and you only have 12,000, then it is not a good time to expand. Wait until you have at least 20,000-25,000 coins before you make the big purchase.

Joining FarmVille Forums

If you have already added all your farmville farming buddies, or do not wish to ask any of them, you can also find new pals by visiting the Farmville Discussion boards. You can find the online community by simply clicking the Forum url at the bottom of the Facebook page while you are playing the game. Once the forum loads, there's a section called “Finding Neighbors” for people who want more neighbors.

More Friends, More Neighbors!

The easiest way to gain neighbors is to ask your friends to play with you. Even if they’re not active players, as long as they sign up and accept you as a neighbor, then they will continue to be and you will gain the rewards for that. Chances are that at least 20% of your friends are already playing this game, so finding neighbors among them shouldn't be too difficult. You can find out which of your friends are already playing by clicking on the “My Neighbors” tab on you’re farm.

Return On Investment (ROI)

If your focus is to earn as much money and experience in the shortest amount of time, then you need to consider the cost of the seeds and what they give back to you over time. For example, one of the first plants you have access to are soybeans. They cost 15 coins to plant but you can sell them for 63 coins, which is 4 times the original amount you paid. However, soybeans take longer to grow than some other plants, so when you factor time into the equation they may not be the best choice.

The equation to figure out your ROI is ((Sale Price – (Seed Cost + 15)) / Time). The “15? in the equation is the cost to plow your field for each plant. For example, strawberry seeds cost 10 coins, give back 35 coins at harvest, and take 4 hours to grow. Plugging this into the equation gives us ((35 – (10 + 15)) / 4), which equals 2.5 coins per hour. Soybeans give us 1.434 coins per hour, so strawberries are better for getting money than soybeans, as long as you can harvest them every 4 hours. When deciding what crops to plant, you should consider how often you will play (to avoid dead crops) and what your goal is (to make money or to gain experience).

Assuming you plant and harvest them as quickly as possible, the five best current money-making crops are: Peas, Asparagus, Onion, Grapes, and Sugar Cane.

For gaining experience, the five best are berries (black, blue, straw, and raspberries), followed by Aloe Vera, Ghost Chili, Pumpkin, and Tomatoes.

Crop Experience

You’ll want to consider which crops you should plant based on how much time you’ll spend playing the game. Many crops that take a day or more to grow will give you at least 2 experience points. Crops with a shorter harvest time may only give you one experience point, but if you’re going to be available to play, then it could be worth it because you’ll be able to immediately plant another one and continue on. If you’re the type of casual player who wants to “plant it and forget it”, then go with crops that take longer to mature. But if you’re on Facebook multiple times a day, then consider going with crops that grow quickly so you can continuously turn them over.

Harvest Time

One thing to consider is how long it will take to harvest a crop. For example, strawberries takes 4 hours to harvest after you plant them. You have up to two times the amount of time to harvest a crop after you plant it. So if it takes 4 hours to grow, then you have 8 hours since the time you planted to harvest it. If you don’t, then the crop will wilt and become useless. So be sure to plan ahead! If you know you won’t be at your computer within 4-8 hours, then don’t plant a 4-hour crop.

Harvesting, Plowing and Planting More Easy and Faster

This simple tip will speed up your FarmVille harvesting, plowing and planting so your playing experience.
When you first log on to your farm you will notice that your character always starts at the center-most area of your FarmVille farm. Likewise, when you visit your neighbors’ farms the same rule holds true.
In most cases the center-most area that your character occupies consists of one plot of the farm, but in some of the larger farm expansions it may be two plots. In either case, if the plot(s)are plowed or planted, you will need to dig them up so they are grass.
After digging up the plot(s) you will need to move your character out of the way so you can build a perimeter around the plot(s). I have found that the best way to do this is with bales of hay — which you can obtain in the decorations category of the market for $100 coins each. It Will take approximately 12 bales of hay to complete the perimeter. You will need to place all but 2 of the hay bales around the perimeter, but DO NOT close it in yet.
Before closing the perimeter of hay bales you must place your character inside so he or she can be closed in.
After moving your character, place two more hay bales as such that it closes your character into the perimeter of the hay bales so he or she cannot get out.
Now your character is trapped in the perimeter of hay bales and cannot go about your farm. As such, he or she will no longer have to travel to any given area to harvest, plow or plant, and you can now achieve these things MUCH FASTER!

The Beehive Quest

Farmville announced a new option in the form of Bees, placing a Free Beehive in every Player’s Gift Box as soon as he/she accessed the game.

The description of the Beehive is: Ask your friends for parts to build a Beehive! A completed Beehive allows you to grow thriving honeybees which will produce pollinated crops! As indicated in the description, the Beehive given to players is simply the skeletal frame and there are Materials that must be collected in order to complete it. The Materials are as follows:
  • 10 Smokers
  • 10 Beeswax
  • 10 Wooden Boards
  • 10 Nails
  • 10 Bricks
In the Materials Menu is another Box giving an Option either to ‘Send Gifts’ or to ‘Complete Now’. With the bare framework, you are given 1 Smoker, so the Option to ‘Complete Now’, if exercised immediately, would cost 49 Farm Cash.

It is evident that the Items for the Beehive Quest that are included in the Gifts Menu will be cyclical in nature as are Items for any Limited Edition Quest. On 11 July, the Items offered as Free Gifts were a Honeybee and Beeswax.

If you access the ‘Send Gifts’ Menu from the Beehive foundation, the only Items that will appear are the Limited Edition Items, which include at present Items for the Tuscan Wedding and Building Materials. Build a Beehive, Find the Queen Bee and Grow your Swarm.

Getting Free Cash And Experience Quickly

This strategy will not give you a lot of money but is going to give good experience. On the neighbors toolbar, click one of your neighbors and select Visit/Help Neighbor. When the webpage is still loading (i.e before you are transferred to your neighbor’s farmville farm), keep clicking the neighbor and select Visit/Help. Once you visit the farm, you will get some random tasks like removing leaves, driving away foxes, etc. Do it once, and you will again get a popup for another task. The more times you click Visit/Help when the page is loading, the more number of tasks will you get. Each time, you will receive a bonus of 20 coins 5 EXP How’s that for increasing the level quickly?

Speed Up Your FarmVille Games

Follow these steps to trap your FarmVille farmer and speed up the game :

1. Open your Farmville game in Facebook. Do not start farming or taking any action that will cause your farmer to start moving. If he is in the middle of the field and you want to trap him in a corner take action with your crops like plowing or harvesting to get him to move to where you want him to permanently reside.

2. Purchase 8 haybales from the market prior to boxing in your farmville farmer.

3. Delete any land necessary to be able to place a hay bale blockade around your farmer. You need to box your farmville farmer in.

4. Click the hay bales and select move. Move the hay bales to form a tight blockade around the farmer.

You can now place fences and decorates to jazz up your farmville farmer trap. Your friends who come to fertilize your crops will really appreciate your farmer being trapped because they will be able to fertilize much quicker.

Easy Level Up Your FarmVille

If you really want to level up quickly here are 3 tips that will get you there :

Tips 1 Box In Your Farmer. Make sure the box he is in is a nice size. This is now the layout for where he will do all the work, it makes him do all the work around the farm without going around anywhere else.

Tips 2 Use a planting schedule to stay on top of the game. This is a very smart and efficient way of succeeding on Farmville. This totally depends on how much time you spend playing each day. If you know you will be spending hours and hours playing each day, then make sure you buy crops that will be harvested in an hour or so. This way you can spend your time harvesting. If you are only on the game once a day for a short amount of time, make sure you purchase crops that will be ready to harvest when you get back on the next day. This means that when you do get on you don’t have to waste time by waiting for it.

Tips 3 Get more neighbors. The more neighbors you have, the more opportunities you will have to earn more ribbons, and more ribbons means more coins and quicker level ups.You can do this like everybody else and just ask your Facebook friends to become your neighbors. Then join groups dedicated to Farmville and get people to be your neighbors from there as well.

10 Things You Should Do If You Want To Succeed On FarmVille

Here are 10 things you should always avoid if you are serious about really succeeding in Farmville :

1. Don’t buy buildings too early. Buildings will cost you a heck of a lot of coins, but they don’t provide you with any ways of making your coins back (other than earning some ribbons of course). The good thing about buildings is that they gain experience, which is only good if you have some spare coins lying around – but if you don’t have the luxury of having spare cash available, they will be a drain to your supplies.

2. Don’t buy more decorations, you probably don’t even need them. The same thing applies here as with buildings; decorations are just for looks, gaining experience and earning ribbons. But again if you are after more cash, they won’t offer you any. If you do have some cash handy though, decorations can be a good source of easy ribbons.

3. Farm cash is limited, so be wise about where you spend it. Things like fuel refills can speed things up for you, but once they are gone, they are gone. Buildings and decorations are permanent and can be good investments, but only if you have enough spare coins.

4. Don’t purchase seeds that will give you a poor cost-to-profit ratio. Crops that will only give you a bit of profit are a waste of your time and investment. Play around a bit to see which crops give you the best return on your investment, taking into consideration also how long you spend playing and how quick you want to see results.

5. Don’t manually plow, seed or harvest. To make things easier and quicker for yourself, use the appropriate machinery to do this for you. Unless you really like to be clicking 4 times longer than you really should be go with the more automated option.

6. Be smart with your animals. Unless you enjoy manually collecting what they offer, they can be a barrier to you succeeding if they take up too much of your time. Use them for what they should be used for, earning ribbons and then selling them for a higher price.

7. Wait until you have enough spare coins to expand your farm. You should always be looking to expand your farm, but do so when you also have enough coins to invest in crops to fill the extra land. It will be a waste if you expand only to find that you don’t have enough cash to fill it with crops that will give you something back.

8. Don’t help neighbours out unnecessarily. If you want to help them out, do so until you earn your ribbon. Don’t waste your time with them and get little in return. You should be focusing on getting good returns for the time and cash you invest.

9. Maximize your fuel. Your fuel will refill every few minutes, so plan your playing time to make the most out of this. If you’re absolutely obsessed you won’t have problems with going on at least once every couple of hours to use your fuel effectively.

10. Focus on your land, not how it looks. If you are serious about succeeding in Farmville you need to cover your lot with plowed land and get the most return for your money. Don’t waste your time, use it efficiently.

Get More Money Quickly

1. Build up your facebook Farmville account by planting strawberries only. Do this 3 times a day for the first three days.

2. Add more plots of strawberries as you progress levels. Don't purchase anything but the berries to grow.

3. Plant the whole field with strawberries day after day for as many times as you can.

4. Once you can use your whole plot (12 squares by 12 squares= 144) for strawberries you are spending 1440 but earning 5040 a pop so your profit is 3,600 each square (earnings-cost=profit). Complete this three times a day and you have $43,200.

5. Keep progressing upwards in dollars by planting strawberries and you will see the results add up quickly.

6. Expand your facebook farmville plot quickly by adding neighbors and getting the experience. By day three, you should have enough money to purchase a bigger farm, if you have enough neighbors.

Get More Neighbors on FarmVille

1. Change your status message to "New Farmville Player" or "Farmville Neighbors Needed." If your friends are playing, they will see this and add you!

2. By the off chance your friends are seeing your status message or not paying attention, send out invites directly from your Farmville game. Invite all of your friends. Send along a message asking them to pass along you need Farmville neighbors to any of their friends as well! This step alone should get you a great deal of Farmville neighbors fast!

3. Visit FarmVille Facebook Fans Pages for finding neighbors. Post on the page and in a matter of minutes, you'll have more neighbors! Look up the application "addme" on Facebook. Post within the pages that you are looking for new Farmville neighbors and several will come your way.