Farmville Ribbons

Here is some information on a selection of ribbons that you can obtain in Farmville. There are many, but these are just some that I have picked out:

Good Samaritan – This ribbon is gained when you do work on your neighbors farms for them, this can be anything, even scaring unwanted pests away! In order to obtain this ribbon, the key is to have lots of neighbors, as you can only help one neighbor out once per day. The more times you help out, the higher level of the ribbon you get. So for the highest ribbon, the blue one, you will gain a total of 250 Experience Points, and 10,000 coins, but you have to help out 2,500 times!

A Pretty Penny – Pretty Penny ribbons are earned as you spend your cash, this obviously doesn't require much focus as you will be earning these by just playing the game. The top award for this one is 1000 experience points when you spend a whopping 1.5 million coins.

Local Celebrity – This ribbon comes when you get lots of neighbors, it is pretty easy to get, 4 neighbors will start off by winning you the yellow ribbon, and you will get 10 Experience Points and 1000 coins. You can go all the way up to the blue ribbon for which you need 50 neighbors to gain, this will net you 100 Experience Points and 5000 coins.

Knock on Wood – This particular one focuses on the fruit that you harvest from your trees, and as you harvest more you will get more ribbons, easy. You can get a pomegranate tree as top prize on this one, as well as 10,000 coins and 250 Experience Points.

Cream of the Crop – This is earned when you harvest crops, big time. This will be earned with normal game play also, but a tip to speed up the earning of these ribbons is to plant crops that harvest quickly over and over.

Pack Rat – These ribbons are earned when you simply decorate your farm. As long as you decorate every space possible, you will get these ribbons easily. For the blue ribbon here you will need a total of 250 decorations and you will be awarded with a pond and 250 Experience Points.

Tree Hugger – Harvest lots of different kinds of trees to be awarded with the Tree Hugger ribbons. Unlike the Knock on Wood ribbon, you can harvest from any tree that you wish.

Harvest Flowers – To get these you need to plant lots and lots of flowers. This is particularly difficult as the items you have to plant do not appear that much.

Farmville Cash Decorations and the Experience Points you can Gain with Trees

A Selection of Decorations and the Experience Points you Gain with Trees

Various Trees Available in Farmville

There are many advantages to having trees around, of course there is the money aspect but they look really nice on your farm too. As I mentioned with crops earlier in another post, it may be worth keeping each tree in its own section if you are going to buy a lot, so they one section will all harvest at the same time, then the second then the third etc. This isn't imperative however; you can place them anywhere you want on your
farm to make it look the best it can.